Carino Electric Hygiene System

Carino Electric Hygiene System

The versatile height-adjustable shower and hygiene chair.  Designed to reduce the number of transfers required for assisted showering and hygiene, Carino enables a single caregiver to perform everyday hygiene tasks such as washing, toileting and foot care. With Carino, showering and other hygiene routines can be carried out by one caregiver, thus facilitating personal one-to-one interactions.

  • Patented curved frame provides support and a comfortable seated position at any height
  • Foldable arm rests
  • Rotating footplates tuck under the hygiene chair when not required
  • Head cushion
  • Full length backrest
  • Emergency stop
  • Purchase includes: head cushion | two batteries | charging unit
  • Hire includes: head cushion | seat cushion | back cushion | one battery | charging unit.  Optional: pan
ISO 10535:2006